vendredi 23 avril 2021

make up a new word using python [closed]

In different contexts, it may be of interest to randomize things under set conditions. An example of this could be to come up with words that could be found in the Swedish language. This is because you may want to suggest a new password that is not so difficult to come up with but that perhaps no one would think of guessing.

The rules around which words are built are:

· A vowel is followed by a consonant

· A vowel cannot be next to another vowel

· A consonant is followed by a vowel or a consonant, if there are not already 2 consonants in a row


· The program must be able to come up with a word that meets the rules above.

· The user should be able to determine the length of the word. Either as an exact length or as a range.

· The word that is random should be able to start with a vowel and a consonant

· The word should always start with a capital letter

· The program can randomize a compound word

Please let me knoe if you can help!!

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