mardi 20 avril 2021

random number in c using srand and time not working

so basically i cant figure out whats wrong here, im trying randomize the two rand numbers with time, but everytime i run it the same numbers show. i really cant tell whats wrong :(

     #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

int main()
    int i, j, m, n, primeira, tipo, orient;
    int matrix[10][20];
    time_t tempo = time(NULL);

    printf("Enter number of rows : ");
    scanf("%d", &m);
    printf("Enter number of columns : ");
    scanf("%d", &n);

    /* first input */
  printf("1 ou 0");
            scanf("%d", &primeira);
if (primeira == 0) {
matrix [0][0]=0;
matrix [0][1]=0;
matrix [0][2]=0;
matrix [1][0]=0;
matrix [1][1]=0;
matrix [1][2]=0;
matrix [2][0]=0;
matrix [2][1]=3;
matrix [2][2]=0;}

    tipo = rand() % 9;
orient = rand() % 4;

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