lundi 20 septembre 2021

python random.randint() generating generating consistent pattern

I've been working on a grid based application using pygame, and have run into a strange problem. I'm generating a list of tiles, each of which can have 1 of 3 random colours. Every time I run the program though, I get a fairly consistent pattern. Test 1 Test 2 Test 3

All these tests were right after each other, and similar results were on all runs before the tests, having a giant single coloured blob in the bottom right.

This is my tile code

from enum import Enum

class Colour(Enum):
    RED = 1
    GREEN = 2
    BLUE = 3

class Tile():

    def __init__(self, _map, x : int, y : int, colour = 1):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y = _map
        self.colour = Colour(colour)

    def PrintInfo(self):
        print("x: " + str(self.x) + "\ny: " + str(self.y) + "\nCol: " + str(

This is where an array of tiles is made, (where the random number is generated)

from Tile import Tile
from random import randint
"""Map class creates a 2d array of tiles, and allows individual tiles, or
groups of tiles to be returned."""

class Map:
    def __init__(self, width : int, height : int): = []

        #Create a 2d array of tiles. = [[Tile(self, i, j, randint(1, 3)) for i in range(width)] for j in range(height)]

    def PrintInfo(self):
        #Print the info of each tile. use GetTile(x, y).PrintInfo() tp get
        #individual tile into
        for t in

    def GetTile(self, x: int, y: int):
        #Get tile from coords

This is where the visual component is made based off random number

def Main(self):
    #Create an array of data objects = Map(8, 8)
    #Create dictionary to connect data object to display object
    self.tileToObjDict = {}

    for i in range(8):#change these from constants after testing
        for j in range(8):
            t =, j)#get tile at current position in loop
            bobj = BoxObject(, t.x*self.gridSpacing, t.y*self.gridSpacing, t.x*self.gridSpacing+self.gridSpacing,
                             t.y*self.gridSpacing+self.gridSpacing, str( onject based on info
            self.objects.append(bobj)#add display object to render list
            self.tileToObjDict[t] = bobj#connect tile to display obj in dictionary

Not needed, but code of assembled visual component

#Basic Object

    class BoxObject(Object):
        def __init__(self, surface, x1 = 0, y1 = 0, x2 = 0, y2 = 0, colour = 'grey', hitbox = Hitbox(EventManager())):#Take a surface, 4 coords, a colour, and an optional hitbox to manage events
            super().__init__(Box(surface, Rectangle(x1,y1,x2,y2).GetCorners(),ColourManager().GetColour(colour)),
            #draw the object for 1 frame to reference
            self.drawn = draw.rect(self.graphic.surface, self.graphic.colour,(self.graphic.coord1, self.graphic.coord2))
        def Update(self):
            if self.visible:#Draw the object
                draw.rect(self.graphic.surface, self.graphic.colour,(self.graphic.coord1, self.graphic.coord2))
                if Hitbox == None:
                if len(self.hitbox.eventM.eventList) > 0:#If the hitbox has any events to manage, manage them
                    for e in self.hitbox.eventM.eventList:

Colour Module

from pygame import Color

class ColourManager:
    colourDict : {}#holds custom colours

    def __init__(self, defaultColours = True):
        self.colourDict = {}

        if defaultColours:

    def AddColour(self, name : str, _r : int, _g : int, _b : int, _a : int = 255):
        self.colourDict[name] = Color(_r, _g, _b, _a)
    def GetColour(self, name : str) -> Color:
        return self.colourDict.get(name)

    def PrintColours(self):
        for key in self.colourDict.keys():

    def AddBasicColours(self):
        self.AddColour('red', 255, 0, 0)
        self.AddColour('green', 0, 255, 0)
        self.AddColour('blue', 0, 0, 255)

        self.AddColour('grey', 100, 100, 100)

    def LoadColourSheet():
        """TODO: Allow many colours to be loaded at once from txt file"""

Any help is appreciated, on either an effective alternative randomization method, or a problem with my code that could be causing this issue.

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