samedi 30 octobre 2021

Getting warning: Name 'guess' can be undefined

I am getting warning for the last guess in the last if statement. Can I just ignore that and be sure, there is no case for my program to work incorrectly?

import random
print('Try to guess hidden number from 1 to 50, U have 6 tries by the way')
hidden_num = random.randint(1, 50)
tries = 6
while tries>0:
    guess = int(input(f'Guess the hidden number, tries left: {tries}\n'))
    if guess == hidden_num:
        print('Great Job, You got it!')
    elif guess < hidden_num:
        print('U were so close, take a bit higher')
        print('WowWo! Pick lower,Dude!')
if guess != hidden_num and tries == 0:
    print('Don\'t be upset buddy, you have whole life ahead!')

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