mardi 26 octobre 2021

Posting after loging in with MD5 HASH

I'm want to send some text to change the Title Text of my camera i can do that in a browser with: (I will use that later to add some variables (temperatuur info and other info from my home automation)[0].Name.CustomTitle[1].Text=TEST

and then i have to fill in my inlog credentialos i have found pythonscript that login to my camera.

A part of the script:

print "[Logging in"

query_args = {"method":"global.login",

URI = '/RPC2_Login'
response = HTTPconnect(self.rhost,self.proto,self.verbose,self.credentials,self.Raw).Send(URI,headers,query_args,json_obj['session'])

With the result:

[>] Logging in
[Verbose] Sending:
[<] 200 OK
{ "id" : 10000, "params" : null, "result" : true, "session" : 1998182089 }

How can i excuted the following after the login


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