samedi 23 octobre 2021

Randomizing Algorithm for a Pointillism painting in Python

NOTE: This is a school-related assignment and I am in no capacity looking for a direct answer. Looking for support on coming up with algorithms as this is my first time with such a question

Programs Intended Purpose: Take a command line provided image and scale it up by a unit of 5. Use the RGB values from the original image to re-create it in a randomized fashion.

Algorithm Attempts:

  • Test image is 250x250 scaling up to 1250x1250. I've tried to break this into sections of 50(original image side divided by 5) and then use (r + g + b)/5 number of circles to generate the color needed. Ex: Color: (100,50,5) would use 20 red circles, 10 green circles, 1 blue circle in the 50x50 space, (100+50+5)/5 = 31, 20 + 10 + 1 = 31. The x and y coordinates of these circles inside the 50x50 space should be random.

My main issue here has been putting this into code.

Code Attempt 1: Is not related to algorithm, is simply attempt to print image using is what I am required to use to make the circle)

import pygame
import sys
import random

image_name = sys.argv[1]

#Import Image
src_image = pygame.image.load(image_name)

(w,h) = src_image.get_size()

window = pygame.display.set_mode((w*5,h*5))

#Nested Loop To Iterate Through Rows And Columns Of Pixels

for y in range(h):
    for x in range(w):
        (r,g,b,_) = src_image.get_at((x,y))

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