lundi 7 mars 2022

Multiple inheritance - Child class problem in randomly choosing a method

My code should make the Parrot class randomly choose only one method of speaking, what the code currently does is repeat all the lines at the same time.

  • Current output
This is my ninja way!
Hi, I am Goku!
Give me your strength Pegasus!
  • Code
import random

class Naruto():
    def talk1(self):
        print("This is my ninja way!")

class Goku():
    def talk2(self):
        print("Hi, I am Goku!")

class Seiya():
    def talk3(self):
        print("Give me your strength Pegasus!")

class Parrot(Naruto, Goku, Seiya):
    def repeat(self):
        print(random.choice((super().talk1(), super().talk2(), super().talk3())))

parrot = Parrot()

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