samedi 23 juillet 2022

Method not displaying randomized items properly?

I'm trying to create a decision tree as a simulation of an idea I have for Halo 5 Forge's built-in scripting system. This decision tree simulation is being written in python before I apply the concept in Halo 5 Forge. Basically, the decision tree is supposed to simulate weapon and vehicle randomization every 30 seconds based on the previous selection 30 seconds ago.

The idea is that both teams' bases share a turn-based decision tree where one base chooses a weapon or vehicle and the other base responds by choosing a counter at random based on a set of weapons and vehicles that are able to counter it. So every 30 seconds a base gets a turn to choose which item it wants to deploy for the team.

For example: If the base chooses a ghost, 30 seconds later the other teams' base may choose a Railgun or a Warthog in response. 30 seconds later the initial team's base chooses a Hydra Launcher, a SAW or a Scorpion if a Railgun was chosen or they can choose a Rocket Launcher, Spartan Laser, Plasma Pistol or Scorpion if a Warthog was chosen.

And both team's bases would essentially be playing a broader version of Rock, Paper, Scissors against each other until the game ends but the idea is that this would progress in a more-or-less linear fashion in order to balance strategy with randomization.

Here is the following code in Python:

import random as r

iterations = 30
seed = r.randrange(1, 5)

def itemChosen(value):
    global seed
    global iterations
    while iterations > 0:
        match value:
            case 1:
                itemName = "Mongoose"
                seed = r.sample([10, 11, 12], 1)
                value = seed

            case 2:
                itemName = "Ghost"
                seed = r.sample([10, 11, 12], 1)
                value = seed

            case 3:
                itemName = "Light Rifle"
                seed = r.sample([6, 7, 22], 1)
                value = seed

            case 4:
                itemName = "Carbine"
                seed = r.sample([6, 7, 22], 1)
                value = seed

            case 5:
                itemName = "Rocket Launcher"
                seed = r.sample([19, 29, 8, 6, 7, 15], 1)
                value = seed

            case 6:
                itemName = "Sniper Rifle"
                seed = r.sample([7, 8, 10, 20, 23], 1)
                value = seed

            case 7:
                itemName = "Beam Rifle"
                seed = r.sample([6, 8, 10, 20, 23], 1)
                value = seed

            case 8:
                itemName = "Binary Rifle"
                seed = r.sample([6, 7, 10, 20, 23], 1)
                value = seed

            case 9:
                itemName = "Spartan Laser"
                seed = r.sample([6, 7, 8, 10, 20, 23, 29, 13, 19], 1)
                value = seed

            case 10:
                itemName = "Railgun"
                seed = r.sample([11, 13, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 26], 1)
                value = seed

            case 11:
                itemName = "Hydra Launcher"
                seed = r.sample([10, 3, 4, 14, 15, 22, 29, 24], 1)
                value = seed

        iterations -= 1

itemChosen(seed) #The method is called here.

So the issue I am running here is that when the method is called the seed is randomized only once and it keeps printing the same value and name of the item until iterations reaches 0

Light Rifle
Light Rifle
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Light Rifle
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Light Rifle
Light Rifle
Light Rifle
Light Rifle
Light Rifle
Light Rifle
Light Rifle
Light Rifle
Light Rifle
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Light Rifle
Light Rifle
Light Rifle
Light Rifle

Process finished with exit code 0

I'm not sure where the problem lies. Any help would be appreciated.

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