samedi 11 février 2023

Error: illegal argument using java.util.Random.nextInt(2) [closed]

I'm trying to implement a method in which it randomly gets into an if. I implemented it this way:

public void mover(){
        int escolha;
        Random generator = new Random();

        // Next room
            // Verify external door
            if(this.minhaLocalizacao instanceof IPortaExterna){

                IPortaExterna local = (IPortaExterna) minhaLocalizacao;

                escolha = generator.nextInt(2);

                if(escolha == 1){
            escolha = generator.nextInt(minhaLocalizacao.saidas.length - 1);

        }while(!(this.minhaLocalizacao instanceof IEsconderijo));

The program can compile and run normally, but sometimes I receive the error message:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: bound must be positive
     at java.base/java.util.Random.nextInt(

I know the method nextInt() doesn't accept the argument 0 or negative numbers, but in this case I'm using 2 as the argument. I already tried with other numbers (for example 3), but sooner or later this same error appears. I can't understand why this error is happening.

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