vendredi 3 février 2023

Monte Carlo Method to estimate the probability of the sum of two dice thrown being 7

I have tried creating a program in Python where a Monte Carlo method is used to estimate the probability of the sum of two dice being 7.

The result I get is nothing close to the theoretical probability. I just now started coding in Python, so I am struggling to locate where the mistake is. Please let me know!

import random
import math

def monte_carlo_estimation():
    sum_seven = 1
    dice_thrown = 1
    prob = 0

    for z in range(0, 100):
        x = random.uniform(1, 6)
        y = random.uniform(1, 6)
        sum_wanted = x + y == 7
        if sum_wanted:
            sum_seven += 1
        dice_thrown += 1
        prob = sum_seven/dice_thrown

    print("Estimate: " + str(prob))

if __name__ == '__main__':

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