mercredi 15 novembre 2023

UUID uniqueness

I really just want verification as I think this is true. When I create a UUID I ge "3dc576a5-5bcc-44e4-b1c7-cbed7d3dcd4c". What I am using it for cannot contain dashes, so I remove them, "3dc576a55bcc44e4b1c7cbed7d3dcd4c". This should be unique still, right? That is, it won't create something like "3dc576a-55bcc4-4e4b1c7-cbed7d3dcd4c" or "3dc57-6a-55bcc44-e4b1c7-cbed7d3dcd4c" etc, correct? I suppose even if it did it would be extremely rare.

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