lundi 27 juillet 2015

randTest () method that takes a single int n as an argument

Below are the instructions that i must follow for the code, i have done most of the code but i seem to be missing elements that make it compile correctly.

A static void method named randTest that takes a single integer argument, n. This should perform the following actions:

  • Declare an int array of 10 elements named counts. This will be used to record how often each possible value is returned by randInt.

  • Call randInt n times, each time incrementing the count of the element of counts corresponding to the value returned.

    public static void randTest(int n){
    int [] counts = new int [10];
    int sampleSize = 10000;
    //int n = sampleSize;
    int RandNum = RandInt();
    System.out.println ("Sample Size: " + sampleSize);
    String[] intArray = new String[] {"Value","Count","Expected","Abs Diff","Percent Diff"};
    for(int i=0;i<10000;i++){
        counts[ RandNum ] = counts[ RandNum ] + 1;
        counts[i] = RandInt();

The information must then be printed out into a results table like so:

enter image description here

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