mercredi 20 avril 2016

Logic to generate Random Security Questions in mvc project

To find a logic that can randomly pick the question out of 3 questions:

  1. If 1st question is answered wrong then just increase the attempt counter in database table.
  2. Pick the 2nd question randomly, if wrong increase the attempt counter in database table.
  3. Pick the 3rd question, if wrong increase the attempt in counter database table.
  4. Again pick a random question in the 3 questions.But it should not be the previous question that we showed to user. And if wrong increase the attempt counter in database table
  5. Again Show the next randomly picked question and increase attempt counter in database table

For Example : Assume that Q2 is displayed in 1st attempt then the flow would be 1st Attempt >> Q2 2nd Attempt >> either Q1/Q3 (Assume Q3) 3rd Attempt >> then it would be Q1 for this attempt 4th Attempt >> as Q3 was displayed in 2nd attempt,we need to display Q2 now 5th Attempt >> either Q3/Q1

Security questions & answers are pulled from different database through services, hence I will get a List of Class(something like ChallengeQuestion) having it members as Answer,QID,QuestionText. Will have to incorporate above logic in a MVC project. I am new to MVC, any Help will be greatly appreciated.. Thanks in advance!

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