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I ran into this problem today and I'm sure there is an elegant solution I am not thinking of.
Let's say I want to generate a random integer(or long) in Java with a specified number of digits, where this number of digits can change.
I.e. pass in a number of digits into a method, and return a random number with the specified number of digits
Ex.) N = 3, generate a random number between 100-999; N = 4, generate a random number between 1000-9999
private long generateRandomNumber(int n){
/*Generate a random number with n number of digits*/
My attempt so far (this works, but it seems messy)
private long generateRandomNumber(int n){
String randomNumString = "";
Random r = new Random();
//Generate the first digit from 1-9
randomNumString += (r.nextInt(9) + 1);
//Generate the remaining digits between 0-9
for(int x = 1; x < n; x++){
randomNumString += r.nextInt(9);
//Parse and return
return Long.parseLong(randomNumString);
Is there a better/more efficient solution than this?
*There are lots of solutions for generating random numbers in a specified range, I was more curious on the best way to generate random numbers given a set number of digits, as well as making the solution robust enough to handle any number of digits.
I did not want to have to pass in a min and max, but rather just the number of digits needed
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