I'm working with the System.Random
library and I've come across some behavior that I don't fully understand. The shuffle
function below is an implementation of the Fischer-Yates shuffle that also works as a random sample without replacement. E.g. calling shuffle
with a list and the length of the list will shuffle the whole list, but calling it with a list and the number 2 should extract a random sample of length 2.
import Control.Monad as M
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Vector.Unboxed as VU
import Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as VUM
import System.Random
go = do
g <- newStdGen
let (rand_vec1, g1) = randVector 10 g
let (rand_vec2, g2) = randVector 10 g
let (rand_sample1, g3) = shuffle rand_vec1 2 g
let (rand_sample2, g4) = shuffle rand_vec1 2 g
print rand_vec1
print rand_vec2
print rand_sample1
print rand_sample2
randVector :: (RandomGen g) => Int -> g -> (VU.Vector Int, g)
randVector n = shuffle vector (VU.length vector) where
vector = VU.enumFromN 0 n
shuffle :: (RandomGen g, Unbox a) => VU.Vector a -> Int -> g -> (VU.Vector a, g)
shuffle li size g = runST $ do
vector <- VU.unsafeThaw li
let n = VUM.length vector - 1
let step g i = do
let (j,g') = randomR (0,n) g
VUM.swap vector i j
return g'
g' <- M.foldM step g [0..size-1]
v' <- VU.unsafeFreeze vector
let vec = VU.take size v'
return (vec, g')
I notice that rand_vec1
and rand_vec2
are always identical, which is to be expected, since the same random number generator is used.
However, rand_sample1
and rand_sample2
differs even though they both use the same random generator. Even stranger, more than half the time, but not always, rand_sample2
just contains the two first numbers of the vector being sampled from (like in the example below). How come? Example output:
(Also, code review is appreciated)
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