mercredi 22 juin 2016

How can I optimize my simple code (python)?

I'm taking an intro programming class and am working ahead on some assignments that aren't due for a few weeks. This one asks me to take three text files - names, titles, and descriptions - and use them to randomly generate "fantasy character" names. My code runs and does what I want it to, but I feel like it's cluttered and could be cleaned up quite a bit. Keep in mind that this is an INTRO course and in class have just covered basic boolean logic, loops, arrays, etc.; not classes, object-oriented, or any advanced stuff (I'm trying to learn some of this on my own).

import random

def main():

for i in range(10):

    # Load names, titles, descriptions into arrays
    names = loadFile('names.txt')

    title = loadFile('titles.txt')

    descriptor = loadFile('descriptors.txt')

    # Generate random number based on list length
    nameListLength = len(names)

    titleListLength = len(title)

    descListLength = len(descriptor)

    firstNameIndex = random.randrange(nameListLength)

    lastNameIndex = random.randrange(nameListLength)

    randTitleIndex = random.randrange(titleListLength)

    randDescriptor = random.randrange(descListLength)

    # Choose random list entry
    firstName = names[firstNameIndex]

    lastName = names[lastNameIndex]

    title2 = title[randTitleIndex]

    description = descriptor[randDescriptor]

    nameList = [title2, firstName, lastName, description]


    print(title2, firstName, lastName, 'the', description)

print('These names have been written to \"CharacterNames.txt\".')

def dumpFile(nameList):

title = str(nameList[0])
firstName = str(nameList[1])
lastName = str(nameList[2])
descriptor = str(nameList[3])

outfile = open('CharacterNames.txt', 'a')

outfile.write(title + ' ' + firstName + ' ' + lastName + ' ' +
              'the' + ' ' + descriptor + '\n')


def loadFile(nameFile):

nameList = open(nameFile, 'r')

nameArray = []

for line in nameList:

    name = line

    name = name.rstrip('\n')



return nameArray   


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