jeudi 23 juin 2016

How to replace from regex with random value at each occurrence?

I have this kind of sentences:

var str = 'The <adjective> <noun> and <noun> <title>';

I would like to replace each <pattern> by a random value from their related array.

In my previous example I'd like to get something similar to:

var adjectives = ['big' 'small' 'funny'];
var nouns = ['dog', 'horse', 'ship'];
var title = ['bar', 'pub', 'club'];

var str = 'The <adjective> <noun> and <noun> <title>';
var r = str.replacePatterns({ noun: nouns, adjective: adjectives, title: titles });
console.log(r); // The big horse and ship club

I almost get it by didn't tough about same pattern (e. g. <noun>) twice in the same sentence. So I generate only one random value for each pattern...

String.prototype.replacePatterns = function (hash) {

    var string = this,

    for (key in hash) {
        if (hash.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
            var randomValue = hash[key][Math.floor(Math.random() * hash[key].length)];
            string = string.replace(new RegExp('\\<' + key + '\\>', 'gm'), randomValue);

    return string;

Could you help me to get something replacing each pattern by a random value instead of a global replacement?

I don't know how to loop result of a regex to replace the matches in the original sentence (with random value each time).

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