vendredi 24 juin 2016

problems with tr1/random

I tried to create a series of random numbers using uniform distribution whose limits are given from a file.

void initialize ( string file_in_name )
  ifstream file_in;
  int i;
  int j;
  //lbound= lower value bound, ubound=upper value bound
  double lbound;
  double ubound; ( file_in_name.c_str ( ) );

  if ( !file_in )
    cout << "\n";
    cout << "Initialize - Fatal error!\n";
    cout << "  Cannot open the input file!\n";
    exit ( 1 );
//  Initialize variables within the bounds
  for ( i = 0; i < NVARS; i++ )
    file_in >> lbound >> ubound;

    for ( j = 0; j < POPSIZE; j++ )

      population[j].lower[i] = lbound;
      population[j].upper[i]= ubound;
      population[j].value[i] = randval ( population[j].lower[i],population[j].upper[i] );

  file_in.close ( );


where randval is the following function

double randval ( double low, double high )
  double val;
  mt19937 generator;
  uniform_real<double> distribution(low, high);
  val = distribution(generator);
  return ( val );

The distribution I use is from tr1/random, but every time I use execute the code, the results are out of bounds. To be more specific, the file I give has lower and upper bounds equal to -180 and 180 respectively and the values are of order 10^12.

What could be the problem?

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