I would like to extend "univariate bootstrapping" to "multivariate bootsrapping", meaning in a first step I draw randomly with replacement out of a one-dimensional vector using this code:
s = RandStream.getGlobalStream();
n = 100000; % # of independent random trials
h = 52; % horizon
T = size(Resid_standard, 1);
Resid_bootstrapped = Resid_standard(unidrnd(T, h, n));
Now, the basic vector Resid_standard is not a uni-dimensional vector but a Tx2 matrix and I want to not only draw random numbers but random pairs.
- How do I have to modify my code to achieve this?
- The output in the univariate case is a 100000x50 matrix. The output for the two-dimensional case would be three-dimensional. How could I store my results?
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