dimanche 19 mars 2017

Generating a random float in java

I've been using java's SplittableRandom ever since I heard about it, due to its speed, and not being in need of multithreading. However, although it has almost every method from Random class, it doesn't come with nextFloat(). Why's that?

Now, the real question is, how would I then go about creating that nextFloat method? Seeing the double is generated as follows: (from JDK 8)

final double internalNextDouble(final double n, final double n2) {
    double longBitsToDouble = (this.nextLong() >>> 11) * 1.1102230246251565E-16;
    if (n < n2) {
        longBitsToDouble = longBitsToDouble * (n2 - n) + n;
        if (longBitsToDouble >= n2) {
            longBitsToDouble = Double.longBitsToDouble(Double.doubleToLongBits(n2) - 1L);
    return longBitsToDouble;

.. I was hoping that I could just turn it to a 32-bit number generation with the following;

final float internalNextFloat(final float min, final float max) {
    float intBitsToFloat = (this.nextInt() >>> 11) * 1.1102230246251565E-16f;
    if (min < max) {
        intBitsToFloat = intBitsToFloat * (max - min) + min;
        if (intBitsToFloat >= max) {
            intBitsToFloat = Float.intBitsToFloat(Float.floatToIntBits(max) - 1);
    return intBitsToFloat;

However, this returns 0.000000. I can only assume it overflows somewhere, in which case I'm pretty sure the problem lies at the following line:

(this.nextInt() >>> 11) * 1.1102230246251565E-16f;

So, not being experienced with shifting (and using epsilon I guess), how could I achieve what I want?

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