vendredi 3 mars 2017

I need random algorithm that fulfills condition

Let's say I have a Product table in the database that have the following properties of id and price:

ProductId int PRIMARY KEY
Price int

For simplicity reasons, I will put Price as int datatype. So right now I would like to use a random algorithm that will retrieve n number of records from the database whereby the Price will sum up to a fixed amount m.

For example:

  • n = 5
  • m = 100

So I will retrieve 5 Product records that the Price will add up to 100.

One Possible Result:

ProductId       Price
   5              10
  109             27
  2081            31
  139             21
  331             11
           Sum:  100

I've tried Brute-force approach but it seems to take ages to get the correct sum of 100. Is there any algorithm to do this?

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