I know there are many thread-safety questions especially regarding the Random class in VB.NET and C#. I've read through several as well as a blog post from Jon Skeet (http://ift.tt/2md2RX5); yet I'm still having a difficult time assessing the thread safety of my piece of code. I apologize a priori for adding yet another question of this form.
My code is based off of the aforementioned blog post, but I attempted to implement the comments from Andrew Shapira near the bottom of the post.
Background: Any code that calls this class (directly or indirectly) is typically ran on multiple threads without the use of any type of thread-locking. While I understand I can pass the onus of thread safety to any calling code, I would prefer to make this class handle multiple threads on its own.
Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Imports System.Threading
Public NotInheritable Class ThreadSafeRandom
Private Shared globalSeed As Integer = 0
Private Shared Function CreateRandom(ByVal initialSeed As Integer) As Random
Dim newRandom As Random
If initialSeed <> 0 Then
newRandom = New Random(initialSeed)
Return newRandom
End If
Dim seed As Integer = CInt(Now.Ticks And &HFFFF)
Interlocked.CompareExchange(globalSeed, seed, 0)
newRandom = New Random(globalSeed)
Return newRandom
End Function
Public Shared Function RandomInteger(ByVal lowerBound As Integer,
ByVal exclusiveUpperBound As Integer,
Optional ByVal seed As Integer = 0) As Integer
Dim newRandom As Random = CreateRandom(seed)
Return newRandom.Next(lowerBound, exclusiveUpperBound)
End Function
End Class
Explanation: globalSeed
is the value that gets passed into the Random
constructor by default. Every time it gets passed, it gets incremented via System.Threading.Interlocked
in the CreateRandom
is the Private
function that is called within the Public
function RandomInteger
. The dual purpose of CreateRandom
is to assure that the same seed value is never passed while at the same time allows for a new Random
object to always be created thus avoiding potential thread issues.
Lastly, in order to allow a user to replicate results, the class allows for user-inputted seed values.
Question(s): Is ThreadSafeRandom truly thread safe? If not, is it possible to implement it in thread-safe way without completely changing the implementation?
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