jeudi 16 mars 2017

Random coordinates in Android App

I have an app with a sprite that moves around. What I'm trying to do is get the sprites starting position to be random. I'm okay with the 'x' coordinate, I just want the 'y' coordinate to be random.

In the code below I have set a random object and I have a 'y' coordinate set but I don't know how to marry the two so that it begins in a random place. Ideally, I would want the sprite to start in a random place every time it goes off screen and comes back on but first I want to get it started in random place:

package cct.mad.lab;


import java.util.Random;

public class Sprite {

//x,y position of sprite - initial position (0,50)
private int x = 0; 
private int y = 50;
private int xSpeed = 80;//Horizontal increment of position (speed)
private int ySpeed = 5;// Vertical increment of position (speed)
private GameView gameView;
private Bitmap spritebmp;
//Width and Height of the Sprite image
private int bmp_width;
private int bmp_height;
// Needed for new random coordinates.
private Random random = new Random();

public Sprite(GameView gameView) {
      spritebmp = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(gameView.getResources(),
      this.bmp_width = spritebmp.getWidth();
      this.bmp_height= spritebmp.getHeight();
//update the position of the sprite
public void update() {
    x = x + xSpeed;
    y = y + ySpeed;
    wrapAround(); //Adjust motion of sprite.

public void draw(Canvas canvas) {

    //Draw sprite image
    canvas.drawBitmap(spritebmp, x , y, null);

public void wrapAround(){
    //Code to wrap around   
    if (x < 0) x = x + gameView.getWidth(); //increment x whilst not off screen
    if (x >= gameView.getWidth()){ //if gone of the right sides of screen
            x = x - gameView.getWidth(); //Reset x
    if (y < 0) y = y + gameView.getHeight();//increment y whilst not off screen
    if (y >= gameView.getHeight()){//if gone of the bottom of screen
        y -= gameView.getHeight();//Reset y


As always, any help greatly appreciated.


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