jeudi 25 mai 2017

Can R recognize the type of distribution used as a function argument?


I have a simple function called TBT. This function has a single argument called x. A user can provide any type rdistribution_name() (e.g., rnorm(), rf(), rt(), rbinom() etc.) existing in R for argument x, EXCEPT ONE: "rcauchy()".


I was wondering how R could recognize that the user-provided input for x belongs to an rcauchy() family, and when this happens R issues a warning message?

Here is my R code with no success:

TBT = function(x) {

if( x == rcauchy(...) ) { warning("\n\tThis type of distribution is not supported.") }


TBT( x = rcauchy(1e4) )

Error in TBT(rcauchy(10000)) : '...' used in an incorrect context

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