mercredi 31 mai 2017

how to group multiple lists into a main list to select from, and how to ask a user for input to select items from them?

Im trying to create a simple program that has list keys, and multiple list values for each. Im getting confused on the differences between lists, dictionaries and libraries.

How do I group multiple lists into a MAIN list to have users choose from?


import random

#lists to describe what trucks people like
person= ['I', 'she', 'he']
emtotion=['loves', 'hates', 'likes']
Trucks= ['chevys', 'fords', 'rams']`

#lists to describe an animals favorite foods
animal= ['dogs', 'cats', 'birds']
emotion_2=['love', 'hates']
food= ['tuna', 'meat', 'seeds', 'garbage']

for the lists above, how do i group the TWO seperate lists of three lists into 2 seperate master type lists? example:

# a main call to describe peoples emotions towards trucks
truck_preference =     
person= ['I', 'she', 'he']
emtotion=['loves', 'hates', 'likes']
Trucks= ['chevys', 'fords', 'rams']

#a main call for all lists describing an animals foods
animal= ['dogs', 'cats', 'birds']
emotion_2=['love', 'hates']
food= ['tuna', 'meat', 'seeds', 'garbage']

so for example, once i have my TWO main categories, I can ask a user for input to select "animal_foods" or "truck_preference" and randomly display the values to form a string of text, a simple 3 word random text. then ask the user to select a list again, this time "animal_foods" and display the same randomness again.

this is what I have now, to print the random items.

    count = 0
while count < 10:   
        print(random.choice(Person), end= " ")
        print(random.choice(Emotion), end= " ")
        print(random.choice(Trucks), end= " " )
        count = count +1

 count = 0
    while count < 10:   
            print(random.choice(animal), end= " ")
            print(random.choice(Emotion_2), end= " ")
            print(random.choice(Food), end= " " )
            count = count +1

But, my biggest problem is how to ask a user to select either the "Truck_preference" to print the items randomly to form the random texts and and then ask the user to select the "animal_foods" list values to form random text about that.

so what Id hope to accomplish summed up is:

import random

truck_preference = [3 key lists and their values]
animal_foods =[3 key lists and their values]

input("which scenario would you like to run")
#user inputs Truck_preference
 output: I love chevys
         he likes fords
        she hates rams
        he loves rams
        i like fords

input("which scenario would you like to run")
#user inputs animal_foods
 output:  Cats hate seeds
          dogs love meat
          dogs hate meat
         birds hate tuna
         cats love tuna
         birds love seeds
        dogs love garbage

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