jeudi 30 novembre 2017

How can i ask for random questions from a class in python

I have this code for a "quiz" type of program for periodic table. What i need help with is how can make it to pick a random symbol from the class and ask for its atom number and check if the answer is correct number for the symbol.

The way i got symbols and weight are from a file and the atomnumber is from the fucntion "listor_1" and I started it as number = 0 and the rest can be seen by the code how i then get it and store it in class, as the number does not get included in the file.


class Grund_element(object):
   def __init__(self, atomsymbol, atomweight, atomnumber):
       self.__atom_symbol = atomsymbol
       self.__atom_weight = atomweight
       self.__atom_number = atomnumber

   def symbol1(self):    
    return self.__atom_symbol 

   def weight1(self):
    return self.__atom_weight 

   def number1(self):
    return self.__atom_number 

def listor_1(elem_list):
   elementer = []
   number= 0 

   for i in range(0, len(elem_list), 2):
       number+=1 #adding by 1 to get atomnumber for each symbol
       element = Grund_element(elem_list[i], elem_list[i + 1], number)
   return elementer

def antal_test(ordlista):
   svarlista = []

   for element in range(len(ordlista)):
       resultat_lista = check_answ(ordlista[element].symbol1(), 
       ordlista[element].weight1(), ordlista[element].number1())

def check_answ(symbol, weight, number):

    while (svar != str(number) and life>0):
       answer= input(str(" Which number does " +symbol+ have "?: 
       "+str(life)+" life left. \n"))

   if (answer== str(number)):
       print("Correct. \n")

       print("wrong, right answer: "+str(number)+". \n")

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