mercredi 3 janvier 2018

Python "Import Random" Not Working, Recieving Syntax Errors [duplicate]

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So I know that the question I am about to ask is going to show just how green I am to Python. But I have hit a major wall and I am tired of error of messages (aren’t we all)

Anyhow, Just like I said I am new to Python, and have been just been working along with the book I have been using to learn the language. I just got done with the chapter covering functions and the final assignment was to program a game of "Hangman." Now I programmed this game to the best of my abilities but no matter how much I try I am still getting syntax errors. I have searched my code up and down, and I cannot find my syntax error…anywhere. Below I included my code if you can please look at it and tell me where I am going wrong that would be great:

import random 

words = ['chicken', 'dog', 'cat', 'mouse', 'frog',]
lives_remaining = 14 
guessed_letters = ''

def play() : 
    word = pick_a_word() 
    while True : 
        guess = get_guess (word)
        if process_guess (guess, word) :

    print ('you win, well done')
        if lives_remaining == 0: 
            print ('you are hung!')
            print ('The word was:' + word)

def pick_a_word() :
    return random.choice(words)

def get_guess(word) :
    print ('Lives remaining: ' + str(lives_remaining))
    guess = input('guess a single letter or the whole word')
    return guess 

def print_word_with_blanks(words) :
    display_word = '' 
    for letter in words :
        if guessed_letters.find(letter) > -1:
            display_word = display_word + letter 
            display_word = display_word + '-' 
            print (display_word)

def process_guess(guess, word) : 
    if len(guess) > 1:
        return whole_word_guess (guess, word)
    else :
        return single_letter_guess (guess, word)

def whole_word_guess(guess, word) :
     global lives_remaining
     if guess == word:
         return True 
         lives_remaining = lives_remaining -1
         return False 

def single_letter_guess(guess, word) :
     global guessed_letters 
     global lives_remaining 
     if word.find(guess) == -1:
     lives_remaining = lives_remaining -1 
         guessed_letters = guessed_letters + guess 
     if all_letters_guessed (word): 
         return True
     return False

def all_letters_guessed(word) :
    for letter in word: 
        if guessed_letters.find(letter) == -1:
            return True 

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