vendredi 5 janvier 2018

Should random distributions be passed by reference or be object members in c++

Assuming we only instantiate less than 20 objects of class Blob and regarding efficiency (time execution) and memory management issues, is there a best option between:

  • Setting the random generator and the generated distributions as private class members such as:

    class Blob {
    std::mt19937 engine;
    std::uniform_real_distribution<double> R_distribution;
    std::binomial_distribution<int> B_distribution;

    and using them directly in Blob methods. Thus when we call a distribution, we also alter the state of the engine that is a member.

  • Or setting the random generator as a private class members and passing the distributions by reference to the methods? For instance:

    class Blob {
    std::mt19937 engine; //engine
    void Blob::run() {
    int blabla = 10;
    std::uniform_real_distribution<double> R_distribution(0, 10);
    do_something(blabla, R_distribution);

While passing by reference induce lower overhead in general, does it matter in that case in particular? How does the overall question scale when calling the distributions a huge number of times (10^9 or more)?

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