lundi 28 mai 2018

Generate random number while the generated number is on a list - ansible

I'm trying to generate random numbers in ansible while the generated number, exists in a list of numbers.

Let's suppose that my list have this values.

list = [1, 3, 5, 8, 9, 10]

I'm using the module set_fact like this.

- set_fact:
    value: ""
  until: value not in list

The value generated using the random rule always generate the number 1 or 10, I've used the module debug like the code below and it always generate different numbers.

- debug:
    msg: ""

My problem here is, how can I generate random number in a certain interval, like the one above (1,10) and how can I keep generating random numbers while the generated number exists in the list, when the generated number isn't in the list, i want to stop the loop and use this number for something.

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