dimanche 22 juillet 2018

How to count the output of the steps needed to complete the program

Hi i have this program and i want to count and print the total steps that needed to complete the program when i'm running it 10 times. (count the total console lines)

Any advice is appreciated

The code of the Hash Table:

public class HashFunction {

String[] theArray;
int arraySize;
int itemsInArray = 0;
    int K = 0;

 * @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {

HashFunction theFunc = new HashFunction(101);

String[] elementsToAdd2 = new String[101];

for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++) {
elementsToAdd2[i] = Integer.toString(RandomNumbers.getRandomNumberInRange(0, 15024267));

    theFunc.hashFunction2(elementsToAdd2, theFunc.theArray);


public void hashFunction2(String[] stringsForArray, String[] theArray) {

    for (int n = 0; n < stringsForArray.length; n++) {

        String newElementVal = stringsForArray[n];

        // Create an index to store the value in by taking
        // the modulus

        int arrayIndex = Integer.parseInt(newElementVal) % 101;

        System.out.println("P" + arrayIndex + " " + "I" + newElementVal + "@" + arrayIndex );

        // Cycle through the array until we find an empty space

        while (theArray[arrayIndex] != "-1") {


            System.out.println( "P" + arrayIndex);

            // If we get to the end of the bucket go back to index 0

            arrayIndex %= arraySize;


        theArray[arrayIndex] = newElementVal;



HashFunction(int size) {

    arraySize = size;

    theArray = new String[size];

    Arrays.fill(theArray, "-1");



Program to run the class 10 times:

public class RunTenTimes
public static void main(String[] args)
      for(int i=1; i<=10; i++)

Should i add the code in the main class or in the RunTenTimes Class?

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