mercredi 17 avril 2019

Need to generate different random numbers everytime the loop runs

I need to generate a different set of random numbers inside the second for loop. But everytime the second for loop runs, it generates same set of random numbers.

class pricing_lookback:
  def __init__(self,spot,rate,sigma,time,sims,steps): = spot
    self.rate = rate
    self.sigma = sigma
    self.time = time
    self.sims = sims
    self.steps = steps
    self.dt = self.time/self.steps

  def call_floatingstrike(self):
      pathwiseminS = np.array([])
      simulationS = np.array([])
      simulationSt = np.array([])
      call2 = np.array([])
      tst1 = np.array([])
      for j in range(self.sims):
          sT =
          for i in range(self.steps):
              phi= np.random.rand()
              sT *= np.exp((self.rate-0.5*self.sigma*self.sigma)*self.dt + self.sigma*phi*np.sqrt(self.dt))
              pathwiseminS = np.append(pathwiseminS, sT)
          tst1 = np.append(tst1, pathwiseminS[1])
          call2 = np.append(call2, np.max((pathwiseminS[self.steps-1],0))
          simulationSt = np.append(simulationS,pathwiseminS[self.steps-1])
          simulationS =  np.append(simulationS,min(pathwiseminS))

      call = np.average(simulationSt) - np.average(simulationS)

      return call,call2, tst1

pricelookback = pricing_lookback(110,0.05,0.2,1,200,252)
clookback, call2, t1 = pricelookback.call_floatingstrike()


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