vendredi 26 juillet 2019

About the reputation and how to make newcomers an easy start

I know this has been stated in many topics, but sadly I'm not allowed to respond to them...

I found this beautiful topic about angular here, and wanted to respond with my answer, but hey! I won't respond! I really want, but I can't! Obviously this topic won't make sense to moderators here, and some are already about to lock it and mark it as spam, but seriously - this reputation system is just the absurdest thing I saw on the web. And this thing in such a large community! Guys, I'm disappointed!

My answer would be

You can use <a routerLink="/forum" routerLinkActive="current", to directly jump to /forum, and if /forum is active, then the <a>-tag will be added the class current

Why do I create this topic? Yes, I beg for reputation points with these words, but I also have to share ways for you how you can make this forum better:

  • Instead of completely locking topics, allow a Add Content form, that will allow everyone to add content, which will only be displayed after moderators' review.
  • Mark users with lack of reputation, so all other community members can support them.
  • Newcomer tutorial (or if i missed it, sorry, a 'restart tutorial') showing all the 'secret eggs' (that I have probably missed) and how to use them.
  • User Presentation category: A place where you can 'beg/ask' for reputation.

I know you do this to prevent spam, but you could easily the same way close the site completely to prevent it.

What about us, newcomers that no-one knows? This is a digital death here because of a lack of reputation! Yes, this community can even go more isolated with this system. The sad thing here is, that there are many people who have good content to share, just not enough reputation to respond.

15 reputation for upvote? Okay... 1,500 reputation... for a tag? Okay... It's like paying 200 $ for an email.

Stack overflow has many helpful topics, and has the current reputation system, which prevents the adding of good content - of people, who barely are known. Don't make this site a reputation RPG please!

Thanks to the people who actually read it: Every upvote counts!

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