lundi 22 juillet 2019

SHA1PRNG SecureRandom behavior is different after seeding on java11

I am using with "SHA1PRNG" angorithm to generate encryption keys. This is a historical code used to encrypt lesser important data. Nevertheless when we've switched from java8 to java11, our code stopped working. Here's the test case made to reproduce the situation:

void srEncryptionSeedTest() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
    final long versionSalt = 1850498708034063014L;
    final long customSalt  = -919666267416765972L;

    final SecureRandom sr = SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG");
    final long l1 = sr.nextLong();
    final long l2 = sr.nextLong();

    final long k1 = sr.nextLong();
    final long k2 = sr.nextLong();

    // check l1 and l2
    Assert.assertEquals(l1, 6338935000439666355L);
    Assert.assertEquals(l2, -7355545655857008441L);

    // Seeding
    // check k1 and k2
    Assert.assertEquals(k1, -2226559466996804670L); // 
    Assert.assertEquals(k2, -3123855249705841778L);

This works fine on java11, but on java8 we have k1=-4273821888324981770 and k2=3053251164341917236, so the test fails. As you can see, the test starts failing after setting exactly the same seed after producing the same amount of same random numbers, so I suspect that the state of the RNG is different, but debugging wasn't helped me (I can not understand why it's different). This can be easily reproduced on any operation system.

Some facts about the Java8 JVM:

java.vendor -> Oracle Corporation // same goes on OpenJDK builds
java.version -> 1.8.0_202-ea // same goes on 1.8.0_181 -> mixed mode
java.specification.version -> 1.8 -> Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment

Some facts about the Java11 JVM:

java.vendor -> AdoptOpenJDK
java.version -> 11.0.3 -> mixed mode
java.specification.version -> 11 -> OpenJDK Runtime Environment

Any help will be appreciated.

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