I'm looking for some info around generating as random of number as possible when the random module is embedded within a function like so:
import random as rd
def coinFlip()
flip = rd.random()
if flip > .5:
return "Heads"
return "Tails"
for i in range(1000000):
Does the random module embedded within a function initialize with a new seed each time the function is called? (Instead of using the previous generated random number as the seed.)
If so...
Is the default initialization on system time exact enough to pull a truly random number considering that the system times in the for loop here would be so close together or maybe even the same (depending on the precision of the system time.)
Is there a way to initialize a random module outside of the function and have the function pull the next random number (so to avoid multiple initializations.)
Any other more pythonic ways to accomplish this?
Thank you very much!
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