samedi 2 novembre 2019

Is there any way in python to do SHA-1 hashing with key?

I need to use SHA-1 as a PRNG so that is why it needs some key, but in python libs such as hashlib and pycryptodome I didn't find any opportunity for this. Are there any ready solutions? Or maybe there's another way to use SHA-1 as PRNG in python? The quistion is asked because the code of SHA-1 PRNG in NIST tests confused me a bit.(the code is from NIST tests, it's in sts-2.1.2/sts-2.1.2/src/generators.c in the end). To be honest,I expected that SHA-1 PRNG works like this:

  1. we have some starting value(let it be x), after that we do something like r=sha1(x)
  2. now we have r as a new member of the pseudo-random sequence
  3. and to have another member we do r=sha1(r) But with that NIST code I really don't understand how to implement SHA-1 PRNG on python.
//  Uses 160 bit Xkey and no XSeed (b=160)
//  This is the generic form of the generator found on the last page of the Change Notice for FIPS 186-2
    ULONG   A, B, C, D, E, temp, Wbuff[16];
    BYTE    Xkey[20], G[20], M[64];
    BYTE    One[1] = { 0x01 };
    int     i, num_0s, num_1s, bitsRead;
    int     done;
    ULONG   tx[5] = { 0x67452301, 0xEFCDAB89, 0x98BADCFE, 0x10325476, 0xC3D2E1F0 };

    if ( ((epsilon = (BitSequence *) calloc(tp.n,sizeof(BitSequence))) == NULL) ) {
        printf("Insufficient memory available.\n");

    ahtopb("ec822a619d6ed5d9492218a7a4c5b15d57c61601", Xkey, 20);
//  ahtopb("E65097BAEC92E70478CAF4ED0ED94E1C94B15446", Xkey, 20);
//  ahtopb("6BFB9EC9BE37B2B0FF8526C222B76E0E91501753", Xkey, 20);
//  ahtopb("5AE8B9207250257D0A0C87C0DACEF78E17D1EF9D", Xkey, 20);
//  ahtopb("D99CB53DD5FA9BC1D0176F5DF8D9110FD16EE21F", Xkey, 20);

    for ( i=0; i<tp.numOfBitStreams; i++ ) {
        num_0s = 0;
        num_1s = 0;
        bitsRead = 0;
        do {
            memcpy(M, Xkey, 20);
            memset(M+20, 0x00, 44);

            // Start: SHA Steps A-E
            A = tx[0];
            B = tx[1];
            C = tx[2];
            D = tx[3];
            E = tx[4];

            memcpy((BYTE *)Wbuff, M, 64);
            byteReverse(Wbuff, 20);
            sub1Round1( 0 );  sub1Round1( 1 );  sub1Round1( 2 );  sub1Round1( 3 );
            sub1Round1( 4 );  sub1Round1( 5 );  sub1Round1( 6 );  sub1Round1( 7 );
            sub1Round1( 8 );  sub1Round1( 9 );  sub1Round1( 10 ); sub1Round1( 11 );
            sub1Round1( 12 ); sub1Round1( 13 ); sub1Round1( 14 ); sub1Round1( 15 );
            sub2Round1( 16 ); sub2Round1( 17 ); sub2Round1( 18 ); sub2Round1( 19 );
            Round2( 20 ); Round2( 21 ); Round2( 22 ); Round2( 23 );
            Round2( 24 ); Round2( 25 ); Round2( 26 ); Round2( 27 );
            Round2( 28 ); Round2( 29 ); Round2( 30 ); Round2( 31 );
            Round2( 32 ); Round2( 33 ); Round2( 34 ); Round2( 35 );
            Round2( 36 ); Round2( 37 ); Round2( 38 ); Round2( 39 );
            Round3( 40 ); Round3( 41 ); Round3( 42 ); Round3( 43 );
            Round3( 44 ); Round3( 45 ); Round3( 46 ); Round3( 47 );
            Round3( 48 ); Round3( 49 ); Round3( 50 ); Round3( 51 );
            Round3( 52 ); Round3( 53 ); Round3( 54 ); Round3( 55 );
            Round3( 56 ); Round3( 57 ); Round3( 58 ); Round3( 59 );
            Round4( 60 ); Round4( 61 ); Round4( 62 ); Round4( 63 );
            Round4( 64 ); Round4( 65 ); Round4( 66 ); Round4( 67 );
            Round4( 68 ); Round4( 69 ); Round4( 70 ); Round4( 71 );
            Round4( 72 ); Round4( 73 ); Round4( 74 ); Round4( 75 );
            Round4( 76 ); Round4( 77 ); Round4( 78 ); Round4( 79 );

            A += tx[0];
            B += tx[1];
            C += tx[2];
            D += tx[3];
            E += tx[4];

            memcpy(G, (BYTE *)&A, 4);
            memcpy(G+4, (BYTE *)&B, 4);
            memcpy(G+8, (BYTE *)&C, 4);
            memcpy(G+12, (BYTE *)&D, 4);
            memcpy(G+16, (BYTE *)&E, 4);
            byteReverse((ULONG *)G, 20);
            // End: SHA Steps A-E

            done = convertToBits(G, 160, tp.n, &num_0s, &num_1s, &bitsRead);
            add(Xkey, 20, G, 20);
            add(Xkey, 20, One, 1);
        } while ( !done );
        fprintf(freqfp, "\t\tBITSREAD = %d 0s = %d 1s = %d\n", bitsRead, num_0s, num_1s); fflush(freqfp);

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