I have working code I got on the internet where a name is randomly picked from Column A with a default counter of "0" (Column B). I added a modification where if the name has been picked, the value of "0" becomes "1". However I am confused as to where I can add the logic where if the value in Column B is already 1, it will not be included in the next random pick since technically, the person with the value of 1 in the counter has already won.
Sample data:
Names | Counter
Newt | 0
Thomas | 0
Teresa | 1
Katniss | 0
Peeta | 0
Gale | 0
Haymitch | 0
Hazel Grace | 0
Augustus | 0
Code when "Draw Winner" is clicked:
Sub draw_winners()
End Sub
Function draw()
Dim x As Integer
Dim delay_ms As Integer
Dim prize_y As Integer
Dim name_matched As Boolean
Dim randm As Integer
x = get_max
delay_ms = 20 'how many draws before final
randm = rand_num(x)
Cells(1, 3).Value = Cells(randm, 1).Value
'winner_window.winner_name.Caption = Cells(1, 3).Value
name_matched = check_names(Cells(1, 3).Value, 1)
If delay_ms > 0 Then
WaitFor (0.1)
delay_ms = delay_ms - 1
GoTo draw_winner
End If
If name_matched = True Then
GoTo draw_winner
End If
Cells(randm, 2).Value = 1
End Function
Function check_names(name As String, rndm As Integer) As Boolean
Dim i As Integer
Dim winner As String
check_names = False
i = 2
winner = Cells(i, 4).Value
If winner <> "" Then
If winner = name And i <> rndm Then
check_names = True
End If
End If
i = i + 1
If i < 1000 Then
GoTo check_name
End If
End Function
Function get_max() As Integer
Dim i As Integer
i = 2
If Cells(i, 1).Value <> "" Then 'starts at the second row
i = i + 1
If i > 10000 Then
MsgBox "Max Limit Reached!"
GoTo check_blank_cell
End If
End If
get_max = i - 1
End Function
Function rand_num(max As Integer) As Integer
Dim Low As Double
Dim High As Double
High = max '20 '<<< CHANGE AS DESIRED
r = Int((High - Low + 1) * Rnd() + Low)
rand_num = r
End Function
Sub WaitFor(NumOfSeconds As Single)
Dim SngSec As Single
SngSec = Timer + NumOfSeconds
Do While Timer < SngSec
End Sub
Apologies if this has been asked. Your help will be deeply appreciated.
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