mercredi 1 avril 2020

(Answered) - Create different random numbers in default constructor while dynamically allocating an array C++ [duplicate]

I have a class "Horse" with a speed member (1-100). I want the default constructor to generate a random number for the speed, but when I dynamically allocate memory for an array of type Horse, each horse has the same speed.

Here is how I allocated the memory within main:

horsePtr = new Horse[numHorses];

Here is the constructor

Horse::Horse() {
     maxDistancePerSecond = (rand() % 100) + 1;
     distanceTraveled = 0;
     racesWon = 0; }

I know it's a mistake to include srand within the constructor, but the class file won't let me put it anywhere else. How can I get around this?

p.s. I have to use arrays and the srand function (no vectors) :)

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