jeudi 23 avril 2020

C: Error converting from int to float or double

I'm trying to generate a random number between 1 and 0 for a school project. Several places say this should be done using rand() and casting to float. Something like the following:

float x = ((float)rand()/(float)(RAND_MAX)) * a;

However, I discovered that whenever I cast from int to float the number is incorrect. This issue is causing me to get incorrect answers using the code above


int rotlat = rand() % 1000;
double newrot = (double) rotlat;
printf("rotational latency: %d\n", rotlat);
printf("new rotational latency: %d\n", newrot);


rotational latency: 533
new rotational latency: -1841876320

rotational latency: 279
new rotational latency: -1841876320

rotational latency: 148
new rotational latency: -1841876320

rotational latency: 167
new rotational latency: -1841876320

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