I'm trying to randomly generate a list of numbers from 1 - 24 separated by a pipe key. I've manage to get it working except that it generates the same exact number order every time "17|13|14|7|8|19|1|20|18|2|10|21|9|24|23|15|12|16|22|6|3|4|5|11". How do I get it to be truly random?
Public Function DoesNoAlreadyExistInList(TheNumber As Integer, TheList As String) As Boolean
Dim counter As Integer = 0
If (TheList = Nothing Or TheList = "") And Not (TheList.Contains("|")) Then
Dim numberlist() As String = TheList.Split("|")
For Each n As String In numberlist
Dim n_ As Integer = n
If n_ = TheNumber Then
counter += 1
counter += 0
End If
End If
If counter = 0 Then
DoesNoAlreadyExistInList = False
DoesNoAlreadyExistInList = True
End If
End Function
Protected Sub new_game_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles new_game.Click
Dim intNo As Integer
Dim blnExists As Boolean
Dim counter As Integer = 0
'Clear the listbox
player1_cards.Value = Nothing
'Do 25 times
For intI = 0 To 23
'Do this until we no the number is not already in the list
'Get a random no 1 - 50
intNo = Int((24 * Rnd()) + 1)
'Check if the number is already in the list.
blnExists = DoesNoAlreadyExistInList(intNo, player1_cards.Value)
Loop Until blnExists = False
'Add the number into the listbox.
counter += 1
If counter = 1 Then
player1_cards.Value = player1_cards.Value & intNo
player1_cards.Value = player1_cards.Value & "|" & intNo
End If
right_player_number.Text = player1_cards.Value
End Sub
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