vendredi 3 avril 2020

Hi, newbie here. I need to randomize a list of features

I want to ask you for a favor. I use one of html5up templates and payed for a month for pixelarity, but at the time did not need anything and now I need help with something. I'm no developer, just like to do things this way and not wordpress and all that. =)

I have a site with a series of items, and I want them to load each time randomly. Is that easy to do? Something you can give me code for in a minute?

I have to have 6 items, a banner, then 6 more, etc. My site is organized like that but it's gonna get long, and i'd like to have it mix up the items from all packs of six randomly, with each load, so users see different stuff at the top each time avoiding the lasts things at the bottom to be not ever seen. I think having banners in between each 6 items might complicate things, but let me know..

<!-- Features -->
            <section id="features">
                <div class="container">
                        <h2>Gentlemen, behold! This is <strong>Strongly Typed</strong>!</h2>
                    <div class="row aln-center">
                        <div class="col-4 col-6-medium col-12-small">

                            <!-- Feature -->
                                    <a href="#" class="image featured"><img src="images/pic01.jpg" alt="" /></a>
                                        <h3>Okay, so what is this?</h3>
                                    <p>This is <strong>Strongly Typed</strong>, a free, fully responsive site template
                                    by <a href="">HTML5 UP</a>. Free for personal and commercial use under the
                                    <a href="">CCA 3.0 license</a>.</p>

                        <div class="col-4 col-6-medium col-12-small">

                            <!-- Feature -->
                                    <a href="#" class="image featured"><img src="images/pic01.jpg" alt="" /></a>
                                        <h3>Okay, so what is this?</h3>
                                    <p>This is <strong>Strongly Typed</strong>, a free, fully responsive site template
                                    by <a href="">HTML5 UP</a>. Free for personal and commercial use under the
                                    <a href="">CCA 3.0 license</a>.</p>

                        <div class="col-4 col-6-medium col-12-small">

                            <!-- Feature -->
                                    <a href="#" class="image featured"><img src="images/pic01.jpg" alt="" /></a>
                                        <h3>Okay, so what is this?</h3>
                                    <p>This is <strong>Strongly Typed</strong>, a free, fully responsive site template
                                    by <a href="">HTML5 UP</a>. Free for personal and commercial use under the
                                    <a href="">CCA 3.0 license</a>.</p>

                        <div class="col-4 col-6-medium col-12-small">

                            <!-- Feature -->
                                    <a href="#" class="image featured"><img src="images/pic01.jpg" alt="" /></a>
                                        <h3>Okay, so what is this?</h3>
                                    <p>This is <strong>Strongly Typed</strong>, a free, fully responsive site template
                                    by <a href="">HTML5 UP</a>. Free for personal and commercial use under the
                                    <a href="">CCA 3.0 license</a>.</p>

                        <div class="col-4 col-6-medium col-12-small">

                            <!-- Feature -->
                                    <a href="#" class="image featured"><img src="images/pic01.jpg" alt="" /></a>
                                        <h3>Okay, so what is this?</h3>
                                    <p>This is <strong>Strongly Typed</strong>, a free, fully responsive site template
                                    by <a href="">HTML5 UP</a>. Free for personal and commercial use under the
                                    <a href="">CCA 3.0 license</a>.</p>

                        <div class="col-4 col-6-medium col-12-small">

                            <!-- Feature -->
                                    <a href="#" class="image featured"><img src="images/pic01.jpg" alt="" /></a>
                                        <h3>Okay, so what is this?</h3>
                                    <p>This is <strong>Strongly Typed</strong>, a free, fully responsive site template
                                    by <a href="">HTML5 UP</a>. Free for personal and commercial use under the
                                    <a href="">CCA 3.0 license</a>.</p>


        <!-- Banner -->
            <section id="banner">
                <div class="container">
                    <p>“Me pregunto que hacen las hormigas en los días de lluvia”
                    - Haruki Murakami</p>

        <!-- Features -->
            <section id="features">
                <div class="container">
                    <div class="row aln-center">
                        <div class="col-4 col-6-medium col-12-small">

                            <!-- Feature -->
                                    <a href="#" class="image featured"><img src="images/pic01.jpg" alt="" /></a>
                                        <h3>Okay, so what is this?</h3>
                                    <p>This is <strong>Strongly Typed</strong>, a free, fully responsive site template
                                    by <a href="">HTML5 UP</a>. Free for personal and commercial use under the
                                    <a href="">CCA 3.0 license</a>.</p>

                        <div class="col-4 col-6-medium col-12-small">

                            <!-- Feature -->
                                    <a href="#" class="image featured"><img src="images/pic01.jpg" alt="" /></a>
                                        <h3>Okay, so what is this?</h3>
                                    <p>This is <strong>Strongly Typed</strong>, a free, fully responsive site template
                                    by <a href="">HTML5 UP</a>. Free for personal and commercial use under the
                                    <a href="">CCA 3.0 license</a>.</p>

                        <div class="col-4 col-6-medium col-12-small">

                            <!-- Feature -->
                                    <a href="#" class="image featured"><img src="images/pic01.jpg" alt="" /></a>
                                        <h3>Okay, so what is this?</h3>
                                    <p>This is <strong>Strongly Typed</strong>, a free, fully responsive site template
                                    by <a href="">HTML5 UP</a>. Free for personal and commercial use under the
                                    <a href="">CCA 3.0 license</a>.</p>

                        <div class="col-4 col-6-medium col-12-small">

                            <!-- Feature -->
                                    <a href="#" class="image featured"><img src="images/pic01.jpg" alt="" /></a>
                                        <h3>Okay, so what is this?</h3>
                                    <p>This is <strong>Strongly Typed</strong>, a free, fully responsive site template
                                    by <a href="">HTML5 UP</a>. Free for personal and commercial use under the
                                    <a href="">CCA 3.0 license</a>.</p>

                        <div class="col-4 col-6-medium col-12-small">

                            <!-- Feature -->
                                    <a href="#" class="image featured"><img src="images/pic01.jpg" alt="" /></a>
                                        <h3>Okay, so what is this?</h3>
                                    <p>This is <strong>Strongly Typed</strong>, a free, fully responsive site template
                                    by <a href="">HTML5 UP</a>. Free for personal and commercial use under the
                                    <a href="">CCA 3.0 license</a>.</p>

                        <div class="col-4 col-6-medium col-12-small">

                            <!-- Feature -->
                                    <a href="#" class="image featured"><img src="images/pic01.jpg" alt="" /></a>
                                        <h3>Okay, so what is this?</h3>
                                    <p>This is <strong>Strongly Typed</strong>, a free, fully responsive site template
                                    by <a href="">HTML5 UP</a>. Free for personal and commercial use under the
                                    <a href="">CCA 3.0 license</a>.</p>


My site is if you want to see what I mean.

Thanks for your time.

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