I've created random person generator. Divided into functions and class that define the person. I'm using a Json file for the names. But when I run the code, the name of the person, and the email are diffrent random names, although they are on the same function. I'm guessing it as something to do with wrong return of the function.
def Person():
files = ['global', 'local']
file = choice(files)
with open('names/{}.json'.format(file)) as f:
data = json.load(f)
randomFirst = randint(0, (len(data['first']) - 1))
randomLast = randint(0, (len(data['last']) - 1))
firstName = data['first'][randomFirst]
lastName = data['last'][randomLast]
email = firstName.lower() + '.' + lastName.lower() + str(suffix) + choice(domain)
return firstName, lastName, email
user = User(Person()[0], Person()[1], Person()[2])
Name:Sarah Gagnon, Email:sofia.sanchez200@yandex.com
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