mardi 7 avril 2020

SQLAlchemy select with random order of multiple rows and then insert


An select statement (or any other code), resulting with randomized order of rows (applicable if row count is larger than 2; code is replaced with '...' to obfuscate sensitive/production code)

Python code:

ResultProxy = connection.execute(query_t0)
query_t1 =[table1.columns.data_id,table1.columns.username,table1.columns.stack,table1.columns.numerator]).where(db.and_(table1.columns.numerator == numerator,, table1.columns.bet_id == bet_id)).order_by(func.random()).limit(ResultProxy.rowcount/2)
db.insert(table2).from_select(['data_id','username', 'stack', 'numerator'], query_t1)

Current result:

If first query select returns the table (column username with column stack combination in table is unique, all others can be identical/same/repeated), for example:

enter image description here

, it is as is being inserted.

Expected result:

The rows are shuffled randomly in first select and therefore inserted in random order in insert statement.

How to do it?

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