An select statement (or any other code), resulting with randomized order of rows (applicable if row count is larger than 2; code is replaced with '...' to obfuscate sensitive/production code)
Python code:
ResultProxy = connection.execute(query_t0)
query_t1 = db.select([table1.columns.data_id,table1.columns.username,table1.columns.stack,table1.columns.numerator]).where(db.and_(table1.columns.numerator == numerator, table1.columns.active.is_(False), table1.columns.bet_id == bet_id)).order_by(func.random()).limit(ResultProxy.rowcount/2)
db.insert(table2).from_select(['data_id','username', 'stack', 'numerator'], query_t1)
Current result:
If first query select returns the table (column username
with column stack
combination in table is unique, all others can be identical/same/repeated), for example:
, it is as is being inserted.
Expected result:
The rows are shuffled randomly in first select
and therefore inserted in random order in insert
How to do it?
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