mardi 28 juillet 2020

Javascript random generator with no repeats till all items have been displayed

I've read many other posts regarding this common issue, and I encourage anyone who sees this to read this entire post through. None of the other solutions that I've found have worked for me (I include a failed attempt below).

I have a functioning random generator that uses HTML and JavaScript. Each time a button is pushed, the function chooses a single item from an array and displays it using: 'document.getElementById'. Please see the below snippet for the working function. My problem is that I dislike the way it displays the same array items back to back or before some of the others have been see; the function is TOO RANDOM. I've been working on finding a way to change my random function so that it only displays repeat items once the entire array has been looped through.

var oddnumber = [
var oddletter = [
function newThing() {
  if(numberCheck.checked) {
    var randomY = oddnumber;
  if(letterCheck.checked) {
    var randomY = oddletter;
  var randomX = Math.floor(Math.random() * (randomY.length));
  var y = randomY;
  var x = randomX;
  document.getElementById("thingDisplay").innerHTML = y[x];
  <div id='thingDisplay'></div>
    <button class="box" id="button01" onclick="newThing()">New Thing</button>
      Number<label>&nbsp;<input type="radio" name="thing" id="numberCheck"/></label>
      <br/>Letter<label>&nbsp;<input type="radio" name="thing" id="letterCheck"/></label>

Many answers detail different ways to slice the array and push the slice to the bottom, but I'm unsure if this is what I'm looking for. Placing displayed items in a separate array is something I'd like to avoid since I will probably have thousands of array items in real world use, so it probably wouldn't be efficient.

Failed Attempt 1:

var oddnumber = [
var oddletter = [
function newThing() {
  if(numberCheck.checked) {
    var randomY = oddnumber;
  if(letterCheck.checked) {
    var randomY = oddletter;
  var res = randomY.sort(function() {
    return 0.5 - Math.random();
  document.getElementById("thingDisplay").innerHTML = [console.log];
  <div id='thingDisplay'></div>
    <button class="box" id="button01" onclick="newThing()">New Thing</button>
      Number<label>&nbsp;<input type="radio" name="thing" id="numberCheck"/></label>
      <br/>Letter<label>&nbsp;<input type="radio" name="thing" id="letterCheck"/></label>

Failed Attempt 2:

var oddnumber = [
var oddletter = [
function newThing() {
    if(numberCheck.checked) {
        var randomY = oddnumber;
    if(letterCheck.checked) {
        var randomY = oddletter;
    var selected;
    var temp;
    var str = "";
    var stub = "";

    for(var i = 0; i < randomY.length; i++){
        temp = randomY[i][Math.floor(Math.random() * randomY[i].length)];
            temp = randomY[i][Math.floor(Math.random() * randomY[i].length)];
    str += temp;
    if(i < randomY.length - 1){str += stub;}

    var x = i;
    document.getElementById("thingDisplay").innerHTML = y[x];
  <div id='thingDisplay'></div>
    <button class="box" id="button01" onclick="newThing()">New Thing</button>
      Number<label>&nbsp;<input type="radio" name="thing" id="numberCheck"/></label>
      <br/>Letter<label>&nbsp;<input type="radio" name="thing" id="letterCheck"/></label>

Edit: Preserving the 'document.getElementById' and the 'if' statements that determine the value of randomY is crucial.

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