samedi 26 décembre 2020

How build lotto program in Python where numbers have the same chance ( **probability** ) to appear or not? [duplicate]

i want to build a program in Python designed for generating hazard numbers in lotto. For example from 1 to 45 , i want that every number between 1 and 45 ( 1 and 45 included) have the same chance to appear or not, like in real life. What is ( or what are) the appropriate random that can do that or closer to do that (approximation). EXEMPLE value= random.randint(1,46)
Does all the numbers between 1 and 45 have the same chance to appear or to not appear like in reel world ? Does chance in computer world is like chance in reel world, if no , how to make it closer? It is not about duplication. Thank you for helping

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