I have the following code:
program outputdata
implicit none
real, dimension(100) :: x, y
real, dimension(100) :: p, q
integer :: i
! data
do i=1,100
x(i) = i * 0.1
y(i) = sin(x(i)) * (1-cos(x(i)/3.0))
end do
! output data into a file
open(1, file = 'data1.dat', status = 'new')
do i=1,100
write(1,*) x(i), y(i)
end do
end program outputdata
I would like to write a very similar code but which uses a string of random numbers instead of 1-100 sequentially. I have found these codes for generating random number sequences:
real :: r(5)
call random_seed()
call random_number(r)
but I cannot seem to figure out how to combine the codes to input the random number vector into the loop.
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