mardi 13 avril 2021

MadLib without user input in Random if-functions in dictionaries

I'm new to python and I'm trying to pick random words from sevaral list stored in a dictionary. I'm writing a storybased MadLib without user input. I want some of the words to give me different list results based on the random choice that comes up. But I'm having trouble writing the code.

I have tried writing an IF-statement in the GET_WORD function, but with no good results. Any help will be usefull. Thanx :)

Tried this:

if local_dict['opt1'].pop("case B):
    case B()

And tried this:

def create_story():
    local_dict = copy.deepcopy(word_dict)
    return story.format(
            if get_word('opt1',local_dict)=get_word('opt1',local_dict(2)):
               return word_dict_opt1B(),

def word_dict_opt1B = {
        'opt3': ['case I','case J','case K']



import random
import copy

# Inspirert av Mad Libs Random Story Generator
story = (
    "ACT I.\n " +
    "As you venture into the world. {} calls your attention. Here you encounter {}.\n" +
    "Here is your {}"

# create a dictionay
word_dict = {
    'opt1': ['case A','case B','case C'],
    'opt2':['case D','case F','case H'],
    'alt1':['alt A.1','alt A.2'],


def get_word(type, local_dict):
    words = local_dict[type];
    cnt = len(words)-1
    index = random.randint(0, cnt)
    return local_dict[type].pop(index)

def create_story():
    local_dict = copy.deepcopy(word_dict)
    return story.format(


print ("Story 1: ")
print (create_story())
print ("")
print ("Story 2: ")
print (create_story())

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