mercredi 30 juin 2021

how to reduce number of variables and make the code efficient

this is first time i am posting to stackoverflow

what will be the efficient way to create and use such variables

lower_chars_enabled = True
upper_chars_enabled = True
digit_chars_enabled = True
special_chars_enabled = True

this function does the job but according to me its not the most efficient way of doing this

def used_chars():
global final_chars

if lower_chars_enabled == True:
    final_chars = lower_chars

if upper_chars_enabled == True:
    final_chars = final_chars + upper_chars

if digit_chars_enabled == True:
    final_chars = final_chars + digit_chars

if special_chars_enabled == True:
    final_chars = final_chars + special_chars

looking forward for suggestions any help would be appreciated

full program code for reference

import string
import secrets

lower_chars = string.ascii_lowercase
upper_chars = string.ascii_uppercase
digit_chars = string.digits
special_chars = string.punctuation

lower_chars_enabled = True
upper_chars_enabled = True
digit_chars_enabled = True
special_chars_enabled = True
final_chars = ""

passLen = 8

def used_chars():
    global final_chars

    if lower_chars_enabled == True:
        final_chars = lower_chars

    if upper_chars_enabled == True:
        final_chars = final_chars + upper_chars

    if digit_chars_enabled == True:
        final_chars = final_chars + digit_chars

    if special_chars_enabled == True:
        final_chars = final_chars + special_chars

def generate_pass():
        password = "".join(secrets.choice(final_chars) for x in range(passLen))
        return password



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