lundi 21 juin 2021

Why does a random number generator in assembly generate fixed values for each function

I have created a game in TASM MS-DOS that gives the user math exercises and he has to solve them. The exercises are in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Each type has a separate function that renders the exercises on the screen.

For some reason, each function always generates the same exercises (different in each function), even though I use the same function for generating the random number.

For example, in the addition exercises, you'll sometimes see "4 + 6" but you'll never see "4 * 6" in the multiplication exercises. Another example is that you'll sometimes see "9 / 1" but not "9 - 1".

Here is the code:

    basicRandomNumber1 db ?
    basicRandomNumber2 db ?

proc generateBasicRandomNumber
     mov ax, 40h
     mov es, ax
     mov ax, [es:6Ch]
     and al, 00000111b
     mov [randomNumber], al
     mov ax, 40h
     mov es, ax
     mov ax, [es:6Ch]
     and al, 00000001b
     add [randomNumber], al
     mov ax, 40h
     mov es, ax
     mov ax, [es:6Ch]
     and al, 00000001b
     add [randomNumber], al
endp generateBasicRandomNumber

proc Addition
    call AddBreakLines
    call AddSpaces
    call generateBasicRandomNumber
    mov dl, [randomNumber]
    mov [basicRandomNumber1], dl  
    add  dl, '0'  
    mov ah, 2h  
    int 21h
    mov dx, offset plusSign
    call printStr
    push 1
    call sleep
    call generateBasicRandomNumber
    mov dl, [randomNumber]
    mov [basicRandomNumber2], dl
    add  dl, '0'  
    mov ah, 2h  
    int 21h


    push 1
    call sleep

...the rest of the code

endp Addition

proc Multiplication
    call AddBreakLines
    call AddSpaces
    call generateBasicRandomNumber
    mov dl, [randomNumber]
    mov [basicRandomNumber1], dl
    add  dl, '0'  
    mov ah, 2h  
    int 21h
    mov dx, offset mulSign
    call printStr
    push 1
    call sleep
    call generateBasicRandomNumber
    mov dl, [randomNumber]
    mov [basicRandomNumber2], dl
    add  dl, '0'  
    mov ah, 2h  
    int 21h

...the rest of the code

endp Multiplication

Sometimes, it logs a message that says there has been an illegal write to some address or an illegal read from there.

The rest of the code means the part where I get the user's input, check if it's equal to the correct result and tell him if it is

the procedure "sleep" is a procedure for making the program sleep for a certain amount of time from the library

How can I make it so the procedure generateBasicRandomNumber generates different numbers too?

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