jeudi 14 octobre 2021

How can I change Valid Characters using checkboxes? [closed]

I've been working on my own private software that has a multitude of different selections, one of those being a Password Generator. Currently, I'm using checkboxes to alter the number of characters that are included in a generated password. But, I would like to use the checkboxes to -

 1. Decide if a generated password includes Uppercases
 2. Decide if a generated password includes Lowercases
 3. Decide if a generated password includes Numbers
 4. Decide if a generated password includes Symbols

How would I go about this? I would like it so you could check more than one checkbox. An example being if Include numbers and symbols are checked but the other two aren't (lowercases and uppercases), the generated password would ONLY include numbers and symbols.

  1. bunifuCheckbox1_OnChange - Include Numbers
  2. bunifuCheckbox2_OnChange - Include Symbols
  3. bunifuCheckbox3_OnChange - Include Uppercase letters
  4. bunifuCheckbox4_OnChange - Include Lowercase letters

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