vendredi 3 décembre 2021

ValueError: Sample larger than population or is negative but list contains more elements than sample size in list retrieved from url

python 3: I am trying to code a bingo game which asks the user for 1-3 players, assigns each player a name, and then creates their Bingo card by choosing 25 elements from the list listOfStrings. the list contains 53 elements which are all strings. I am getting the error "ValueError: Sample larger than population or is negative" but 25<53 ? is the size of my list incorrect or do I have to assign each element a number? not sure why this is happening. im new to programming so probably a simple mistake or miscomprehension. thanks in advance

import urllib.request
import random
listOfStrings = []

def createList():
       with urllib.request.urlopen('') as f:
           d ='utf-8')
           split= d.split("\n")
           listOfStrings = split
    except urllib.error.URLError as e:

def players(listOfStrings):
    noPlayers = input("How many players would like to play Bingo? Choose 1-3: ")
    if noPlayers == "1":
        name = input("What is the name of player 1? ")
        player1card = random.sample(list(listOfStrings), 25) 


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